16days, 16 poems, the fight continues...Ending GBV requires us to call on governments to put across laws that protect women.Dec 10, 2021Dec 10, 2021
PrayerGenuine friendships are that, no fear is carried within us as we breakdown our pain, because safety is found in those we open up to.Dec 8, 2021Dec 8, 2021
FlowersGiving each other flowers, could seem like a small ask, but it is the uprising that raises generations of women who are fearless!Dec 5, 2021Dec 5, 2021
Here is to ME TOOShame a name inscribed to hide injustices &protect perpetrators who thrive in feeble laws which hurt a gender that fifty percent is…Dec 4, 2021Dec 4, 2021
timesThe shoe fits, women understand the issues of women, include more women to speak and advocate for women and girls.Dec 3, 2021Dec 3, 2021
Putting a period to povertyHow can I even say that I have a cause for girls and women? When women like her are using coins they don’t haveDec 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021
Vows, HThis is for you who have been broken in marriages, battered when you mattered, and now shattered.Dec 1, 2021Dec 1, 2021