16days, 16 poems, the fight continues...

Corrie Mwende
2 min readDec 10, 2021
Lighting a candle for all the lives lost to gender based violence

when you choose silence

you choose violence

when you choose to mind your business

you are making a statement

meant to increase trauma

adding anguish

squashing gains made.

I hope you choose to be bold

don’t fold to keep your peace

cowering in your comfort

of, it does not concern me

it does,

please, stand for us, stand with us.

When I made the decision to write 16 poems, I had not figured out how it would all come out.

What themes would inform each poem, what stories would authentically capture the disparities on gender based violence response and what advocacy voices would help make strides towards the end of GBV? But as days went on, you all kept me going. Women shared their stories, men added their voices on the cause.

Ending gender based violence needs all of us to sing the same song. It needs policy makers to intentionally and continuously advocate for the rights of women and girls. Ending GBV requires us to call on governments to put across laws that protect women. Ending gender based violence is funding women rights organisations.

The journey continues, it will not end here with poetry, it will not end here with 16days.

Thank you for taking time to read each poem, for sharing each poem, and for doing something about gender based violence.

Till we meet again, the fight continues.

“Our backs tell stories no books have the spine to carry” - Rupi Kaur



Corrie Mwende

A communications strategist passionate about humanitarian aid storytelling as well as human rights advocacy. Book nerd & basketball fan. Welcome to my thoughts!