
Corrie Mwende
2 min readDec 8, 2021


for women longing for sisterhood,

genuine friendship and love,

no conflicted thoughts on when to trust,

who to trust.

circles that carry your pain with you,

hold you down, firmly affirming,

in whispers bearing kindness,

no fear of betrayal,

no trials in authenticity,

an affinity of a resonated bond.


your life be rocked with roses,

no thorns to prick your brokenness,

women to believe your imperfections,

to counsel and accept your flaws.

raw as you are,

may you be awed with this favour,

savour goodness,

and sustenance,

among the loyalty of women,

as you seek to heal from the pain inflicted on you,

as you seek to find yourself back.

You might wonder why I did a poem on sisterhood as part of the 16days series. I long for more and genuine authentic female friendships. I am a believer of women being the best friends to each other. I have been betrayed and hurt by friendships, I have also hurt friends. A work in progress demands I position myself as a bona fide woman. The intent to be better is what I pursue even as I evaluate decisions of walking away from betrayals.

The first point of contact when a woman has been abused, in the natural set up (empirical), is to rush to her female friends, it is at this point that she finds strength to run, report and confront. Genuine friendships are that, no fear is carried within us as we breakdown our pain, because safety is found in those we open up to.



Corrie Mwende

A communications strategist passionate about humanitarian aid storytelling as well as human rights advocacy. Book nerd & basketball fan. Welcome to my thoughts!