She was too much

Corrie Mwende
2 min readDec 6, 2021

She passed away, because voices misrepresented her

Made her reality seem like a delusion

To everyone, she was too much

Too much complaining

Too much of wanting

Too much, Just too much

Couldn’t she just shut up

Wake up and live it up

It’s just a misunderstanding, he will change,

This age is just too much

They said


So, she passed away. The flute that her voice was, now mute

Like soot, even the voices that loudened her pain, sunk in the noise of misrepresentation

She passed away, just the voices couldn’t hold her, as she slowly disappeared in her own reality of pain

She was not too much, she was enough, but we will never get to know how much more she was

On the funeral they suited up, him too, to mourn that she was mad and deranged

That, that, her insanity killed her


She had a good life they said, just that she was too much. Too much to even care for her own life and taking it away from earth.


“The mental health impacts are as devastating. There is an exponential rise in mental illness including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidal ideation for women who have experienced violence and abuse.” UNDP

A 2014 research on the correlation between GBV and mental health

Women exposed to gender-based violence (GBV) experience a high rate of common mental disorders and suicidal behaviour (“mental disturbance”). Little is known however about the timing of onset of mental disturbance following first exposure to GBV amongst women with no prior mental disorder.



Corrie Mwende

A communications strategist passionate about humanitarian aid storytelling as well as human rights advocacy. Book nerd & basketball fan. Welcome to my thoughts!